الصفحة الرئيسية >> Signaling Pathways >> Others >> Endopeptidase


Endopeptidases are peptidases that hydrolyze the peptide bonds in the nonterminal amino acids. They are separated into sub-types based on their catalytic mechanisms including metalloendopeptidases/neutral endopeptidase and lysyl endopeptidase etc.

منتجات لـ نبسب؛ Endopeptidase

  1. القط. رقم اسم المنتج بيانات
  2. GC14141 LHW090-A7 neutral endopeptidase (NEP) inhibitor LHW090-A7  Chemical Structure
  3. GC17017 Racecadotril


    Racecadotril (Acetorphan) هو مثبط إندوبيبتيداز محايد (NEP) Racecadotril  Chemical Structure
  4. GC16764 Thiorphan


    Thiorphan هو مثبط NEP (neprilysin) انتقائي مع IC50 من 6.9 نانومتر Thiorphan  Chemical Structure

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