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Reactive Nitrogen Species

Products for  Reactive Nitrogen Species

  1. Cat.No. Nom du produit Informations
  2. GC40218 (-)-Epigallocatechin Gallate-d3/d4


    (-)-Epigallocatechin gallate-d3/d4 is intended for use as an internal standard for the quantification of (-)-epigallocatechin gallate by GC- or LC-MS. (-)-Epigallocatechin Gallate-d3/d4  Chemical Structure
  3. GC41700 (E)-2-(2-Chlorostyryl)-3,5,6-trimethylpyrazine


    (E)-2-(2-Chlorostyryl)-3,5,6-trimethylpyrazine (CSTMP) is a stilbene derivative with antioxidant and anticancer activities. (E)-2-(2-Chlorostyryl)-3,5,6-trimethylpyrazine  Chemical Structure
  4. GC41868 10-Nitrooleate

    10Nitrooleic Acid, 10nitro9transOctadecenoic Acid

    Le 10-nitrooléate (CXA-10), un acide gras nitré, a des effets potentiels dans les états pathologiques dans lesquels le stress oxydatif, l'inflammation, la fibrose et/ou la toxicité tissulaire directe jouent un rÔle important. 10-Nitrooleate  Chemical Structure
  5. GC46403 10-Nitrooleate-d17

    10Nitrooleic Acidd17, 10nitro9-trans-Octadecenoic Acidd17

    A neuropeptide with diverse biological activities 10-Nitrooleate-d17  Chemical Structure
  6. GC42079 2',7'-Dichlorofluorescein diacetate

    DCFDA, MFCD 37501

    Le diacétate de 2',7'-dichlorofluorescéine (DCFH-DA) est une sonde fluorescente perméable aux cellules. 2',7'-Dichlorofluorescein diacetate  Chemical Structure
  7. GC49339 5(6)-Carboxy-2′,7′-dichlorofluorescein diacetate


    Le diacétate de 5(6)-carboxy-′,7′-dichlorofluorescéine est un indicateur fluorescent à pénétration cellulaire. 5(6)-Carboxy-2′,7′-dichlorofluorescein diacetate  Chemical Structure
  8. GC46080 7,3',4'-Trihydroxyflavone

    3’,4’,7-Trihydroxyflavone, 5-Deoxyluteolin

    7,3',4'-La trihydroxyflavone est un composé aglycone flavonoÏde isolé des gousses de fèves. 7,3',4'-Trihydroxyflavone  Chemical Structure
  9. GC18426 8-Nitroguanine 8-Nitroguanine is a nitrative guanine derivative formed by oxidative damage to the guanine base in DNA by reactive nitrogen species (RNS) during inflammation and in vitro by reaction of DNA with peroxynitrite and other RNS reagents. 8-Nitroguanine  Chemical Structure
  10. GC92043 9(10)-Nitrooleate

    9(10)-Nitrooleic Acid; OA-NO2; 9(10)-nitro-9-trans-Octadecenoic Acid

    9(10)-Nitrooleate est un mélange des molécules de signalisation des lipides endogènes du nitroalkène 9-nitrooléate. 9(10)-Nitrooleate  Chemical Structure
  11. GC46748 9(E),11(E)-12-nitro Conjugated Linoleic Acid

    9(E),11(E)-12-nitro CLA, 12-NO2-CLA

    A nitrated fatty acid 9(E),11(E)-12-nitro Conjugated Linoleic Acid  Chemical Structure
  12. GC42649 9-Nitrooleate

    9Nitrooleic Acid, 9nitro9transOctadecenoic Acid

    Nitrated unsaturated fatty acids, such as 10- and 12-nitrolinoleate, cholesteryl nitrolinoleate, and nitrohydroxylinoleate, represent a new class of endogenous lipid-derived signalling molecules. 9-Nitrooleate  Chemical Structure
  13. GC46760 9-Nitrooleate-d17

    9Nitrooleic Acidd17, 9nitro9-trans-Octadecenoic Acidd17

    A neuropeptide with diverse biological activities 9-Nitrooleate-d17  Chemical Structure
  14. GC19428 Angeli’s Salt

    Sodium α-oxyhyponitrite

    Un donneur classique de nitroxyle (NO-)

    Angeli’s Salt  Chemical Structure
  15. GC52101 Brazilein Brazilein est un composant immunosuppresseur important isolé de Caesalpinia sappan L. Brazilein  Chemical Structure
  16. GC47096 Citrinin-13C13

    (-)-Citrinin-13C13, CTN-13C13

    A neuropeptide with diverse biological activities Citrinin-13C13  Chemical Structure
  17. GC43316 Coumarin Boronic Acid


    Coumarin boronic acid (CBA) is a fluorescent probe that can be used to detect peroxynitrite, hypochlorous acid, and hydrogen peroxide. Coumarin Boronic Acid  Chemical Structure
  18. GC43317 Coumarin Boronic Acid pinacolate ester

    CBA pinacolate ester, CBE

    Coumarin boronic acid pinacolate ester (CBE) is a more soluble form of coumarin boronic acid that can be used to detect peroxynitrite, hypochlorous acid, and hydrogen peroxide. Coumarin Boronic Acid pinacolate ester  Chemical Structure
  19. GC43411 DEPMPO-biotin DEPMPO is a nitrone that is used to spin trap reactive O-, N-, S-, and C-centered radicals and allow their characterization when used in association with electron spin resonance. DEPMPO-biotin  Chemical Structure
  20. GC43462 Dihydrolipoic Acid


    L'acide dihydrolipoÏque (DHLA) est un excellent antioxydant capable de piéger presque tous les radicaux oxygénés. Dihydrolipoic Acid  Chemical Structure
  21. GC43570 DPTA NONOate

    Dipropylenetriamine NONOate

    DPTA NONOate is a NO donor.

    DPTA NONOate  Chemical Structure
  22. GC48650 DTUN A lipophilic hyponitrite radical initiator DTUN  Chemical Structure
  23. GC43584 Ebselen Oxide

    NSC 639772

    L'oxyde d'Ebselen, l'analogue sélénone d'Ebselen, modifie de manière covalente la diguanylate cyclase (DGC) pour inhiber les interactions c-di-GMP-récepteur et réduit l'activité DGC. Ebselen Oxide  Chemical Structure
  24. GC43663 FeTPPS FeTPPS, un 5,10,15,20-tétrakis (4-sulfonatophényl) porphyrine chlorure de fer III peroxynitrite catalyseur de décomposition, possède des effets neuroprotecteurs évidents dans un modèle expérimental de lésions de la moelle épinière . FeTPPS  Chemical Structure
  25. GC49344 Fisetin-d5 An internal standard for the quantification of fisetin Fisetin-d5  Chemical Structure
  26. GC60875 GKT136901

    NOX Inhibitor IV

    GKT136901 est un inhibiteur puissant, sélectif et oralement actif de la NADPH oxydase (NOX1/4), avec Kis de 160 et 165 nM, respectivement. GKT136901  Chemical Structure
  27. GC43870 HPF

    Hydroxyphenyl Fluorescein

    L'hydroxyphényl fluorescéine (HPF) est le réactif qui peut détecter directement les espèces d'oxygène hautement réactives (hROS).

    HPF  Chemical Structure
  28. GC49290 Indoxyl Sulfate-d5 (potassium salt) An internal standard for the quantification of indoxyl sulfate Indoxyl Sulfate-d5 (potassium salt)  Chemical Structure
  29. GC18734 JS-K JS-K est un donneur de NO qui réagit avec le glutathion pour générer du NO À pH physiologique. JS-K inhibe la prolifération, induit l'apoptose et perturbe le cycle cellulaire des cellules de la leucémie lymphoblastique aiguë Jurkat T. JS-K  Chemical Structure
  30. GC19529 MAHMA NONOate

    Methylamine hexamethylene methylamine NONOate

    A NO donor

    MAHMA NONOate  Chemical Structure
  31. GC49521 MHY553

    NSC 33005

    An agonist of PPARα MHY553  Chemical Structure
  32. GC44191 MHY908 MHY908 est un puissant agoniste double de PPARα et PPARγ. MHY908  Chemical Structure
  33. GC44206 MitoTEMPO (hydrate)

    MitoTEMPO is a mitochondria-targeted superoxide dismutase mimetic that possesses superoxide and alkyl radical scavenging properties.

    MitoTEMPO (hydrate)  Chemical Structure
  34. GC44239 Mn(III)TMPyP Mn(III)TMPyP is a manganese-porphyrin which acts as a superoxide dismutase (SOD) mimetic and peroxynitrite decomposition catalyst. Mn(III)TMPyP  Chemical Structure
  35. GC47736 N-Acetyl-DL-penicillamine

    NAPA, NSC 28039, NSC 92752

    A chelating agent N-Acetyl-DL-penicillamine  Chemical Structure
  36. GC48837 NG,NG-dimethyl-L-Arginine-d6 (hydrochloride)

    ADMA-d6, Asymmetric dimethylarginine-d6

    NG,NG-diméthyl-L-Arginine-d6 (chlorhydrate) est le dichlorhydrate de diméthylarginine asymétrique marqué au deutérium. NG,NG-dimethyl-L-Arginine-d6 (hydrochloride)  Chemical Structure
  37. GC49511 Nicorandil N-oxide A metabolite of nicorandil Nicorandil N-oxide  Chemical Structure
  38. GC49086 Nicorandil-d4

    2-Nicotinamidoethyl nitrate-d4

    An internal standard for the quantification of nicorandil Nicorandil-d4  Chemical Structure
  39. GC44408 Nitrosobenzene

    NSC 66479

    Nitrosobenzene is a spin trap that has been used in the study of oxidative DNA damage and nitroso-compound-induced respiratory burst in neutrophils. Nitrosobenzene  Chemical Structure
  40. GC44439 NO-Indomethacin

    NCX 2121

    NO-indomethacin is a hybrid molecule of indomethacin and a nitric oxide (NO) donor. NO-Indomethacin  Chemical Structure
  41. GC44582 p-Cymene

    4-Cymene, para-Cymene, NSC 4162

    p-Cymene is a monoterpene that is found in a variety of plants, including C. p-Cymene  Chemical Structure
  42. GC47858 Palmitelaidic Acid-d13

    C16:1(9E)-d13, 9-trans-Hexadecenoic Acid-d13

    A neuropeptide with diverse biological activities Palmitelaidic Acid-d13  Chemical Structure
  43. GC41297 PAPA NONOate PAPA NONOate is a NO donor. PAPA NONOate  Chemical Structure
  44. GC44602 Peroxynitrite

    Sodium Peroxynitrite

    Formé in vivo par la réaction de NO avec le superoxyde.

    Peroxynitrite  Chemical Structure
  45. GC44644 Piloty's Acid

    Benzenesulphonydroxamic Acid

    Nitric Oxide (NO) is a free radical gas that is involved in a variety of biological processes including regulation vascular tone, neuronal signaling, and host defense. Piloty's Acid  Chemical Structure
  46. GC44694 PROLI NONOate

    PROLI NONOate is a NO donor.

    PROLI NONOate  Chemical Structure
  47. GC49112 Sinapyl Alcohol A monolignol with anti-inflammatory and antinociceptive activities Sinapyl Alcohol  Chemical Structure
  48. GC44909 SNOB 1 Reagent

    S-Nitrosylated Binding 1 Reagent

    SNOB 1 Reagent is a biotinylated probe for detecting S-nitrosylated proteins in a single step. SNOB 1 Reagent  Chemical Structure
  49. GC44972 Sulpho NONOate Sulpho NONOate produces nitrous oxide but no NO at physiological pH. Sulpho NONOate  Chemical Structure
  50. GC33877 Tetrahydrocoptisine ((RS)-Stylopine)

    NSC 110382, NSC 404529, (R,S±)-Stylopine

    La tétrahydrocoptisine ((RS)-Stylopine) (tétrahydrocoptisine) est un composé alcaloÏde isolé À l'origine des tubercules de Corydalis qui présente des activités anti-inflammatoires et antiparasitaires. Tetrahydrocoptisine ((RS)-Stylopine)  Chemical Structure
  51. GC45126 Uric Acid (sodium salt) (Standard) L'acide urique (sel de sodium) (urate monosodique), piégeur de radicaux oxygène, est un antioxydant très important qui aide À maintenir la stabilité de la pression artérielle et du stress antioxydant. Uric Acid (sodium salt) (Standard)  Chemical Structure
  52. GC45152 V-PYRRO/NO V-PYRRO/NO is a NO donor in vivo. V-PYRRO/NO  Chemical Structure

51 article(s)

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