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Endocrinology and Hormones

Endocrinology and Hormones

Endocrinology and Hormones

The endocrine system is an information signaling system that coordinates most bodily functions. It senses environmental changes and secretes corresponding hormones to coordinate metabolism, maintain homeostasis, and regulate growth and development.read more

Targets for  Endocrinology and Hormones

Products for  Endocrinology and Hormones

  1. Cat.No. Product Name Information
  2. GC31762 Asimadoline (EMD-61753)

    EMD 61753

    Asimadoline (EMD-61753) (EMD-61753) is an orally active, selective and peripherally active κ-opioid agonist with IC50s of 5.6 nM (guinea pig) and 1.2 nM (human recombinant). Asimadoline (EMD-61753)  Chemical Structure
  3. GC61397 Asimadoline hydrochloride Asimadoline (EMD-61753) hydrochloride is an orally active, selective and peripherally active κ-opioid agonist with IC50s of 5.6 nM (guinea pig) and 1.2 nM (human recombinant). Asimadoline hydrochloride  Chemical Structure
  4. GC46892 ATRA-BA Hybrid A prodrug form of all-trans retinoic acid and butyric acid ATRA-BA Hybrid  Chemical Structure
  5. GC66207 Atraric acid

    Methyl atrarate

    Atraric acid (Methyl atrarate) is a specific androgen receptor (AR) antagonist with anti-inflammatory and anticancer effects. Atraric acid represses the expression of the endogenous prostate specific antigen gene in both LNCaP and C4-2 cells. Atraric acid can also inhibit the synthesis of NO and cytokine, and suppress the MAPK-NFκB signaling pathway. Atraric acid can be used to research prostate diseases and inflammatory diseases. Atraric acid  Chemical Structure
  6. GC42870 Atrazine Mercapturate

    ATR Mercapturate

    Atrazine mercapturate is a major, glutathione-derived metabolite of atrazine, an herbicide that is effective in controlling a broad range of weeds. Atrazine Mercapturate  Chemical Structure
  7. GC49321 AZ-GHS-22 An inverse agonist of GHS-R1a AZ-GHS-22  Chemical Structure
  8. GC32801 AZ876 An LXR agonist AZ876  Chemical Structure
  9. GC12434 AZD1981 CRTh2 antagonist,potent and selective AZD1981  Chemical Structure
  10. GC10372 AZD3514 Androgen receptor downregulator AZD3514  Chemical Structure
  11. GC14405 AZD9496 estrogen receptor inhibitor, orally active AZD9496  Chemical Structure
  12. GC11390 BAM 22P

    Bovine adrenal medulla-22P

    Potent endogenous agonist peptide for the newly identified sensory neuron specific receptor (SNSR); BAM 22P  Chemical Structure
  13. GC15926 BAN ORL 24 A nociceptin receptor antagonist BAN ORL 24  Chemical Structure
  14. GC30565 BAR502 A dual agonist of GP-BAR1 and FXR BAR502  Chemical Structure
  15. GC17588 Bavachin


    estrogen receptors ERα and ERβ activator Bavachin  Chemical Structure
  16. GC14883 Bazedoxifene Bazedoxifene  Chemical Structure
  17. GC10852 Bazedoxifene acetate

    TSE 424

    A selective estrogen receptor modulator Bazedoxifene acetate  Chemical Structure
  18. GC10245 Bazedoxifene HCl Bazedoxifene HCl (TSE-424 hydrochloride) is an oral active, BBB-penetrant nonsteroidal selective estrogen receptor modulator (SERM), with IC50s of 23 nM and 99 nM for ERα and ERβ, respectively. Bazedoxifene HCl can be used for the research of osteoporosis. Bazedoxifene HCl acts as an inhibitor of IL-6/GP130 protein-protein interactions. Bazedoxifene HCl can be used for the research of pancreatic cancer. Bazedoxifene HCl  Chemical Structure
  19. GC49757 Bazedoxifene N-oxide An oxidative degradation product of bazedoxifene Bazedoxifene N-oxide  Chemical Structure
  20. GC46907 Bazedoxifene-d4 An internal standard for the quantification of bazedoxifene Bazedoxifene-d4  Chemical Structure
  21. GC46909 BE-26263 A fungal metabolite BE-26263  Chemical Structure
  22. GP10051 Beta-Lipotropin (1-10), porcine


    Morphine-like substance

    Beta-Lipotropin (1-10), porcine  Chemical Structure
  23. GC20142 Beta-Sitosterol (purity>98%)

    β-Sitosterol (purity>98%); 22,23-Dihydrostigmasterol (purity>98%))

    Beta-Sitosterol (purity>98%)   Chemical Structure
  24. GC52329 Betamethasone-d5

    β-Methasone-d5, SCH 4831-d5

    An internal standard for the quantification of betamethasone Betamethasone-d5  Chemical Structure
  25. GC30639 Bevenopran (CB-5945)

    CB-5945; ADL-5945

    Bevenopran (CB-5945) is a peripheral μ-opioid receptor antagonist. Bevenopran (CB-5945)  Chemical Structure
  26. GC10037 Bexarotene

    LG 100069, LGD 1069, Ro 264455, SR 11247

    Retinoid Receptor agonist Bexarotene  Chemical Structure
  27. GC46923 Bexarotene-d4

    LGD1069 D4

    A neuropeptide with diverse biological activities Bexarotene-d4  Chemical Structure
  28. GC12271 Bicalutamide

    ICI 176334, ZD 176334

    Androgen receptor antagonist Bicalutamide  Chemical Structure
  29. GC46925 Bicalutamide-d4 An internal standard for the quantification of bicalutamide Bicalutamide-d4  Chemical Structure
  30. GC31577 Bifluranol (BX341)


    Bifluranol (BX341) (BX341) is an anti-androgen. Bifluranol (BX341)  Chemical Structure
  31. GC60076 Bigelovin Bigelovin, a sesquiterpene lactone isolated from Inula helianthus-aquatica, is a selective retinoid X receptor α agonist. Bigelovin suppresses tumor growth through inducing apoptosis and autophagy via the inhibition of mTOR pathway regulated by ROS generation. Bigelovin  Chemical Structure
  32. GC42943 Bischloroanthrabenzoxocinone

    BABX, (―)-Bischloroanthrabenzoxocinone

    Bacterial type II fatty acid synthesis (FAS-II) is mediated by a series of enzymes, each of which may be targeted by potential antibiotics. Bischloroanthrabenzoxocinone  Chemical Structure
  33. GC11504 BMS 195614

    BMS 614

    BMS 195614 (BMS 614) is a neutral RARα-selective antagonist with a Ki of 2.5 nM. BMS 195614  Chemical Structure
  34. GC49654 BMS 270394 A RARγ agonist BMS 270394  Chemical Structure
  35. GC10656 BMS 453

    BMS 189453

    RAR agonist BMS 453  Chemical Structure
  36. GC15648 BMS 493

    BMS 204493

    Pan-RAR inverse agonist BMS 493  Chemical Structure
  37. GC14185 BMS 753 RARα-selective agonist BMS 753  Chemical Structure
  38. GC17382 BMS 961

    BMS 961

    Selective RARγ agonist BMS 961  Chemical Structure
  39. GC35534 BMS-564929 BMS-564929 is an androgen receptor (AR) agonist, binds to androgen receptor (AR) with a Ki of 2.11±0.16 nM. BMS-564929  Chemical Structure
  40. GC31372 BMS-779788 (EXEL04286652)

    EXEL04286652; XL-652; BMS-788

    BMS-779788 (EXEL04286652) is a LXR partial agonist with IC50 values of 68 nM for LXRα and 14 nM for LXRβ. BMS-779788 (EXEL04286652)  Chemical Structure
  41. GC68785 BMS-986121

    BMS-986121 is a positive allosteric modulator (PAM) of the μ opioid receptor, derived from patent WO2014107344. BMS-986121 is built on a chemical scaffold and represents a new chemical type of μ receptor PAMs.

    BMS-986121  Chemical Structure
  42. GC68781 BMS641


    BMS641 (BMS-209641) is a selective RARβ agonist. BMS641 has 100 times higher affinity for RARβ (Kd, 2.5 nM) than for RARα (Kd, 225 nM) or RARγ (Kd, 223 nM).

    BMS641  Chemical Structure
  43. GA20967 Boc-D-His-OH

    N-(tert-Butoxycarbonyl)-D-histidine, N-(t-Butoxycarbonyl)-D-histidine, Nα-tert-Butoxycarbonyl-D-histidine

    An amino acid building block Boc-D-His-OH  Chemical Structure
  44. GA20972 Boc-D-Leu-OSu An amino acid-containing building block Boc-D-Leu-OSu  Chemical Structure
  45. GC41187 Boldenone Cypionate Boldenone is an anabolic androgenic steroid and synthetic derivative of testosterone that was originally developed for veterinary use. Boldenone Cypionate  Chemical Structure
  46. GC35541 Boldenone Undecylenate

    Boldenone 10-Undecenoate

    Boldenone Undecylenate  Chemical Structure
  47. GC46941 Bombesin (trifluoroacetate salt)


    A neuropeptide with diverse biological activities Bombesin (trifluoroacetate salt)  Chemical Structure
  48. GC38741 BPR1M97 BPR1M97 is a dual-acting mu opioid receptor (MOP) and nociceptin-orphanin FQ peptide (NOP) receptor agonist with Ki values of 1.8 and 4.2 nM, respectively. BPR1M97  Chemical Structure
  49. GC15313 BRL 52537 hydrochloride κ/μ opioid receptor agonist,potent and selective BRL 52537 hydrochloride  Chemical Structure
  50. GC46956 Budesonide-d8 An internal standard for the quantification of budesonide Budesonide-d8  Chemical Structure
  51. GC34099 Buserelin Acetate Buserelin Acetate  Chemical Structure
  52. GC46104 Butyric Acid-d7 An internal standard for the quantification of sodium butyrate Butyric Acid-d7  Chemical Structure
  53. GC16521 BW 373U86


    Non-peptide delta agonist,potent and selective BW 373U86  Chemical Structure
  54. GC43127 Calcitonin (salmon) (trifluoroacetate salt)

    Calcitonin (1-32) (salmon), Salcatonin, sCT, Thyrocalcitonin (salmon)

    Calcitonin is a peptide hormone that lowers blood calcium level and inhibits bone resorption. Calcitonin (salmon) (trifluoroacetate salt)  Chemical Structure
  55. GC16978 Candesartan

    Candesartan M1, CV-11974

    Angiotensin II receptor 1 (AT1) antagonist Candesartan  Chemical Structure
  56. GC16223 Captopril

    SA 333, SQ 14,225

    An ACE inhibitor Captopril  Chemical Structure
  57. GC43140 Captopril Disulfide

    SQ 14,551

    Captopril disulfide is a metabolite and symmetrical disulfide form of the angiotensin converting enzyme (ACE) inhibitor captopril. Captopril Disulfide  Chemical Structure
  58. GC48348 Carbetocin (acetate) A peptide oxytocin receptor agonist Carbetocin (acetate)  Chemical Structure
  59. GC48426 CAY10771 A dual agonist of FXR and PPARδ CAY10771  Chemical Structure
  60. GC67907 CCG258747 CCG258747  Chemical Structure
  61. GC43213 CCK (26-30) (sulfated)

    N-Acetyl Cholecystokinin (26-30)

    CCK (26-30) is an N-terminal fragment of CCK, a peptide hormone found in the intestine and brain that stimulates digestion, mediates satiety, and is involved in anxiety. CCK (26-30) (sulfated)  Chemical Structure
  62. GC43214 CCK (26-31) (non-sulfated)

    N-Acetyl Cholecystokinin (26-31), (non-sulfated)

    CCK (26-31) is an N-terminal fragment of CCK , a peptide hormone found in the intestine and brain that stimulates digestion, mediates satiety, and is involved in anxiety. CCK (26-31) (non-sulfated)  Chemical Structure
  63. GC18553 CCK (26-31) (sulfated)

    N-Acetyl Cholecystokinin (26-31), (sulfated)

    CCK (26-31) is an N-terminal fragment of CCK , a peptide hormone found in the intestine and brain that stimulates digestion, mediates satiety, and is involved in anxiety. CCK (26-31) (sulfated)  Chemical Structure
  64. GC18384 CCK (27-33) (non-sulfated)

    Cholecystokinin (27-33) (non-sulfated)

    CCK (27-33) is a C-terminal fragment of CCK , a peptide hormone found in the intestine and brain that stimulates digestion, mediates satiety, and is involved in anxiety. CCK (27-33) (non-sulfated)  Chemical Structure
  65. GC43215 CCK Octapeptide (non-sulfated), (trifluoroacetate salt)

    Cholecystokinin Octapeptide (26-33), Pancreozymin (C-terminal) Octapeptide, SQ 19,265

    Cholecystokinin (CCK) octapeptide is a peptide hormone found in the intestine and brain that stimulates digestion, mediates satiety, and is involved in anxiety. CCK Octapeptide (non-sulfated), (trifluoroacetate salt)  Chemical Structure
  66. GC11794 CD 1530 RAR receptor agonist CD 1530  Chemical Structure
  67. GC10080 CD 2314 RARβ agonist,potent and selective CD 2314  Chemical Structure
  68. GC12072 CD 2665 Selective RARβ/γ antagonist CD 2665  Chemical Structure
  69. GC17730 CD 3254 RXRα agonist,potent and selective CD 3254  Chemical Structure
  70. GC11464 CD 437


    RARγ-selective agonist,potent and cell-permeable CD 437  Chemical Structure
  71. GC35637 Cebranopadol


    An analgesic NOP and opioid receptor agonist Cebranopadol  Chemical Structure
  72. GC35638 Cebranopadol ((1α,4α)stereoisomer)

    GRT6005 (1α,4α)stereoisomer

    Cebranopadol ((1α,4α)stereoisomer) is a stereoisomer of cebranopadol. Cebranopadol ((1α,4α)stereoisomer)  Chemical Structure
  73. GC19229 CERC-501

    CERC-501, JNJ-67953964, LY2456302

    CERC-501 (CERC-501) is a potent and centrally-penetrant kappa opioid receptor antagonist with a Ki of 0.807 nM. CERC-501  Chemical Structure
  74. GC33467 Cetrorelix Acetate (SB-075 acetate)


    Cetrorelix Acetate (SB-075 acetate) (SB-75 acetate) is a potent gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH) receptor antagonist with an IC50 of 1.21 nM. Cetrorelix Acetate (SB-075 acetate)  Chemical Structure
  75. GC32422 CGP-53153 CGP-53153 is a steroidal inhibitor of 5 alpha reductase with IC50s of 36 and 262 nM in rat and human prostatic tissue, respectively. CGP-53153  Chemical Structure
  76. GC11053 Ch 55 RAR agonist Ch 55  Chemical Structure
  77. GC17985 Chenodeoxycholic Acid


    nuclear receptors(FXR) activator Chenodeoxycholic Acid  Chemical Structure
  78. GC48424 Chenodeoxycholic Acid 24-Acyl-β-D-Glucuronide

    CDCA-24G, CDCA-24-glucuronide

    A metabolite of CDCA Chenodeoxycholic Acid 24-Acyl-β-D-Glucuronide  Chemical Structure
  79. GC49853 Chenodeoxycholic Acid 3-Glucuronide

    CDCA-3G, CDCA-3-Glucuronide

    A metabolite of CDCA Chenodeoxycholic Acid 3-Glucuronide  Chemical Structure
  80. GC48595 Chenodeoxycholic Acid MaxSpec® Standard


    A quantitative analytical standard guaranteed to meet MaxSpec® identity, purity, stability, and concentration specifications Chenodeoxycholic Acid MaxSpec® Standard  Chemical Structure
  81. GC68212 Chenodeoxycholic acid-13C


    Chenodeoxycholic acid-13C  Chemical Structure
  82. GC47076 Chenodeoxycholic Acid-d4


    A quantitative analytical standard guaranteed to meet MaxSpec® identity, purity, stability, and concentration specifications Chenodeoxycholic Acid-d4  Chemical Structure
  83. GC11144 Chlormadinone acetate

    NSC 92338

    steroidal progestin with additional antiandrogen and antigonadotropic effects Chlormadinone acetate  Chemical Structure
  84. GC10012 Chlorotrianisene

    NSC 10108, TACE, Tri-p-anisylchloroethylene

    Estrogen agonist Chlorotrianisene  Chemical Structure
  85. GC45409 Ciclesonide-d7


      Ciclesonide-d7  Chemical Structure
  86. GC18212 Cilofexor


    Cilofexor inhibits binding of a synthetic peptide, comprising residues 676-700 of the steroid receptor coactivator 1 (SRC-1), to the farnesoid X receptor (FXR; EC50 = <25 nM in a FRET activity assay). Cilofexor  Chemical Structure
  87. GC17491 CITCO

    Constitutive androstane receptor (CAR) agonist

    CITCO  Chemical Structure
  88. GC52351 Citrullinated α-Enolase (R8 + R14) (1-19)-biotin Peptide

    Citrullinated Enolase-1-biotin, α-Enolase Peptide (Citrulline Residues 8 + 14)

    A biotinylated and citrullinated α-enolase peptide Citrullinated α-Enolase (R8 + R14) (1-19)-biotin Peptide  Chemical Structure
  89. GC47097 CJC-1295

    Modified GRF (1-29), CJC-1295-no DAC, GHRH (1-29)-NH2

    A synthetic peptide derivative of GHRH CJC-1295  Chemical Structure
  90. GC14560 Cl-4AS-1 steroidal androgen receptor agonist Cl-4AS-1  Chemical Structure
  91. GC48496 Clobetasol Propionate-d5

    CCI-4725-d5, CGP 9555-d5, Clobetasol 17-propionate-d5

    An internal standard for the quantification of clobetasol propionate Clobetasol Propionate-d5  Chemical Structure
  92. GC49680 Clobetasone Propionate

    Clobetasone 17-Propionate

    A corticosteroid Clobetasone Propionate  Chemical Structure
  93. GC15366 Clomiphene citrate

    Clomifene, Omifin, NSC 35770

    Selective estrogen receptor modulator Clomiphene citrate  Chemical Structure
  94. GC62209 CLP-3094 CLP-3094 is a potent BF3 (binding function 3)-directed inhibitor of the androgen receptor (AR). CLP-3094  Chemical Structure
  95. GC65587 CO23 CO23 is a selective thyroid hormone receptor (TR) α agonist and used for growth and development regulation. CO23  Chemical Structure
  96. GC43312 Cortistatin-29 (1-13) (rat) (trifluoroacetate salt) Cortistatin-29 (1-13) is a neuropeptide and cleavage product of cortistatin-29, which is a cleavage product of procortistatin. Cortistatin-29 (1-13) (rat) (trifluoroacetate salt)  Chemical Structure
  97. GC43313 Cortistatin-29 (rat) (trifluoroacetate salt) Cortistatin-29 is a neuropeptide that is structurally similar to somatostatin-28. Cortistatin-29 (rat) (trifluoroacetate salt)  Chemical Structure
  98. GC18804 Cosyntropin (acetate)

    ACTH (1-24), Adrenocorticotropic Hormone 1-24, Tetracosactide

    Cosyntropin (acetate) is a synthetic peptide stimulating the release of corticosteroids such as cortisol from the adrenal gland. Cosyntropin (acetate)  Chemical Structure
  99. GC10002 Coumestrol

    NSC 22842

    competitive binder of the estrogen receptors ERα Coumestrol  Chemical Structure
  100. GC45413 Cridanimod (sodium salt)


      Cridanimod (sodium salt)  Chemical Structure
  101. GC52387 Crosstide (trifluoroacetate salt)

    Gly-Arg-Pro-Arg-Thr-Ser-Ser-Phe-Ala-Glu-Gly-OH, GRPRTSSFAEG-OH

    A peptide substrate for Akt Crosstide (trifluoroacetate salt)  Chemical Structure

Items 201 to 300 of 835 total

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