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Peptide Hormones

Products for  Peptide Hormones

  1. Cat.No. Nombre del producto Información
  2. GC48292 α-MSH (human, mouse, rat, porcine, bovine, ovine) (trifluoroacetate salt)

    α-Melanocyte-stimulating Hormone, Ac-SYSMEHFRWGKPV-NH2

    α-MSH (α-Melanocyte-Stimulating Hormone) TFA, un neuropéptido endÓgeno, es un agonista endÓgeno del receptor 4 de melanocortina (MC4R) con actividades antiinflamatorias y antipiréticas. α-MSH (human, mouse, rat, porcine, bovine, ovine) (trifluoroacetate salt)  Chemical Structure
  3. GC41699 (Des-octanoyl)-Ghrelin (human) (trifluoroacetate salt) Ghrelin is an endogenous gastrointestinal hormone and neuropeptide that binds to the growth hormone (GH) secretagogue receptor (GHS-R). (Des-octanoyl)-Ghrelin (human) (trifluoroacetate salt)  Chemical Structure
  4. GC46768 Abaloparatide (acetate)

    BA 058, BIM 44058

    A synthetic derivative of PTHrP and an agonist of PTHR1 Abaloparatide (acetate)  Chemical Structure
  5. GC42710 Ac-PAL-AMC

    Acetyl-Pro-Ala-Leu-7-amino-4-Methylcoumarin, Ac-Pro-Ala-Leu-AMC

    Ac-PAL-AMC es un sustrato fluorogénico especÍfico para la actividad del proteasoma 20S LMP2/β1i. Ac-PAL-AMC  Chemical Structure
  6. GC42713 ACTH (1-10) (human, mouse, rat, porcine, bovine, ovine) (trifluoroacetate salt)

    Adrenocorticotropic Hormone (1-10), Corticotropin (1-10)

    Adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH) (1-10) is an N-terminal peptide fragment of ACTH, a peptide hormone produced by the anterior pituitary gland that is involved in the biological stress response. ACTH (1-10) (human, mouse, rat, porcine, bovine, ovine) (trifluoroacetate salt)  Chemical Structure
  7. GC45372 ACTH (1-13) (human, mouse, rat, porcine, bovine, ovine) (trifluoroacetate salt)


      ACTH (1-13) (human, mouse, rat, porcine, bovine, ovine) (trifluoroacetate salt)  Chemical Structure
  8. GC45373 ACTH (1-16) (human, mouse, rat, porcine, bovine, ovine) (trifluoroacetate salt)

    Adrenocorticotropic Hormone (1-16), SYSMEHFRWGKPVGKK-OH

      ACTH (1-16) (human, mouse, rat, porcine, bovine, ovine)  (trifluoroacetate salt)  Chemical Structure
  9. GC45374 ACTH (1-17) (human, mouse, rat, porcine, bovine, ovine) (trifluoroacetate salt)

    Adrenocorticotropic Hormone (1-17), SYSMEHFRWGKPVGKKR-OH

      ACTH (1-17) (human, mouse, rat, porcine, bovine, ovine) (trifluoroacetate salt)  Chemical Structure
  10. GC45375 ACTH (1-39) (trifluoroacetate salt)

    Adrenocorticotropic Hormone (1-39)

      ACTH (1-39) (trifluoroacetate salt)  Chemical Structure
  11. GC40161 ACTH (4-10) (human, mouse, rat, porcine, bovine, ovine) (trifluoroacetate salt)

    Adrenocorticotropic Hormone (4-10), Corticotropin (4-10)

    Adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH) (4-10) is an endogenous peptide fragment of ACTH, a peptide hormone produced by the anterior pituitary gland that is involved in the biological stress response. ACTH (4-10) (human, mouse, rat, porcine, bovine, ovine) (trifluoroacetate salt)  Chemical Structure
  12. GC40132 ACTH (6-24) (human, mouse, rat, porcine, bovine, ovine) (trifluoroacetate salt)


    ACTH (6-24) is a peptide fragment of adrenocorticotropic hormone, a peptide hormone found in the brain that is involved in the biological stress response. ACTH (6-24) (human, mouse, rat, porcine, bovine, ovine) (trifluoroacetate salt)  Chemical Structure
  13. GC31530 ACTH 4-11 (Adrenocorticotropic Hormone (4-11), human)


    ACTH 4-11 (hormona adrenocorticotrÓpica (4-11), humana), un fragmento de la hormona adrenocorticotropina, posee una potencia débil de hormona estimulante de melanocitos (α-MSH) solo en dosis altas (100 y 1000 nM). ACTH 4-11 (Adrenocorticotropic Hormone (4-11), human)  Chemical Structure
  14. GC42739 Adrenomedullin (1-50) amide (rat) (trifluoroacetate salt) Adrenomedullin (1-50) is a peptide hormone with RNA expressed in rat adrenal glands, lung, kidney, heart, and spleen, as well as in the duodenum and submandibular glands. Adrenomedullin (1-50) amide (rat) (trifluoroacetate salt)  Chemical Structure
  15. GC40158 Adrenomedullin (11-50) (rat) (trifluoroacetate salt) Adrenomedullin (11-50) is a truncated form of rat adrenomedullin. Adrenomedullin (11-50) (rat) (trifluoroacetate salt)  Chemical Structure
  16. GC42793 Amylin (1-13) (human, mouse, rat), (trifluoroacetate salt)

    IAPP (1-13) (human, mouse rat), Islet Amyloid Polypeptide (1-13) (human. mouse, rat)

    Amylin (1-13) is a peptide fragment of amylin , which is a peptide hormone secreted from pancreatic β-cells that reduces food intake, decreases glucagon secretion, slows gastric emptying, and increases satiety. Amylin (1-13) (human, mouse, rat), (trifluoroacetate salt)  Chemical Structure
  17. GC42794 Amylin (8-37) (human) (trifluoroacetate salt)

    IAPP (8-37) (human), Islet Amyloid Polypeptide (8-37) (human)

    Amylin (8-37) is a peptide fragment of amylin. Amylin (8-37) (human) (trifluoroacetate salt)  Chemical Structure
  18. GC42795 Amylin (human) (amidated) (trifluoroacetate salt)

    IAPP (human) (amidated), Islet Amyloid Polypeptide (human) (amidated)

    Amylin is a peptide hormone secreted from pancreatic β-cells that reduces food intake, decreases glucagon secretion, slows gastric emptying, and increases satiety. Amylin (human) (amidated) (trifluoroacetate salt)  Chemical Structure
  19. GC42796 Amylin (human) (trifluoroacetate salt)

    IAPP (human), Islet Amyloid Polypeptide (human)

    Amylin is a 37-residue peptide hormone secreted from pancreatic β-cells that reduces food intake, decreases glucagon secretion, slows gastric emptying, and increases satiety. Amylin (human) (trifluoroacetate salt)  Chemical Structure
  20. GC42797 Amylin (rat, mouse) (trifluoroacetate salt)

    IAPP (rat, mouse), Islet Amyloid Polypeptide (rat, mouse)

    Amylin is a 37-residue peptide hormone secreted by pancreatic β-cells that reduces food intake, modifies glycogen synthesis, slows gastric emptying, and increases satiety. Amylin (rat, mouse) (trifluoroacetate salt)  Chemical Structure
  21. GC42852 Arginine Vasotocin (trifluoroacetate salt)

    Arg8-Vasotocin, AVT

    Arginine vasotocin is a nonapeptide hormone agonist of the AVT receptor (EC50 = 13 nM for eliciting membrane currents in X. Arginine Vasotocin (trifluoroacetate salt)  Chemical Structure
  22. GC48997 Argipressin (acetate)

    AVP, Arg8-Vasopressin

    A peptide hormone with vasoconstrictive and antidiuretic activities Argipressin (acetate)  Chemical Structure
  23. GC43126 Calcitonin (human) (trifluoroacetate salt)

    Ba 47175, Calcitonin (1-32) (human), hCT, Thyrocalcitonin (human)

    Calcitonin is a peptide hormone that lowers blood calcium levels and inhibits bone resorption. Calcitonin (human) (trifluoroacetate salt)  Chemical Structure
  24. GC43127 Calcitonin (salmon) (trifluoroacetate salt)

    Calcitonin (1-32) (salmon), Salcatonin, sCT, Thyrocalcitonin (salmon)

    Calcitonin is a peptide hormone that lowers blood calcium level and inhibits bone resorption. Calcitonin (salmon) (trifluoroacetate salt)  Chemical Structure
  25. GC43214 CCK (26-31) (non-sulfated)

    N-Acetyl Cholecystokinin (26-31), (non-sulfated)

    CCK (26-31) is an N-terminal fragment of CCK , a peptide hormone found in the intestine and brain that stimulates digestion, mediates satiety, and is involved in anxiety. CCK (26-31) (non-sulfated)  Chemical Structure
  26. GC43215 CCK Octapeptide (non-sulfated), (trifluoroacetate salt)

    Cholecystokinin Octapeptide (26-33), Pancreozymin (C-terminal) Octapeptide, SQ 19,265

    Cholecystokinin (CCK) octapeptide is a peptide hormone found in the intestine and brain that stimulates digestion, mediates satiety, and is involved in anxiety. CCK Octapeptide (non-sulfated), (trifluoroacetate salt)  Chemical Structure
  27. GC47097 CJC-1295

    Modified GRF (1-29), CJC-1295-no DAC, GHRH (1-29)-NH2

    A synthetic peptide derivative of GHRH CJC-1295  Chemical Structure
  28. GC43310 Corticostatin (human) (trifluoroacetate salt)

    DEFA4 Protein, α-Defensin 4, Defensin HNP-4, Human Neutrophil Peptide 4, Neutrophil Defensin 4

    Corticostatin is a corticostatic peptide that has been found in human granulocytes. Corticostatin (human) (trifluoroacetate salt)  Chemical Structure
  29. GC18804 Cosyntropin (acetate)

    ACTH (1-24), Adrenocorticotropic Hormone 1-24, Tetracosactide

    La cosintropina (acetato) es un péptido sintético que estimula la liberaciÓn de corticosteroides como el cortisol de la glÁndula suprarrenal. Cosyntropin (acetate)  Chemical Structure
  30. GC49143 Deslorelin (acetate)

    D-Trp6-Pro9-des-Gly10-GnRH ethylamide, pGlu-His-Trp-Ser-Tyr-D-Trp-Leu-Arg-Pro-NHEt

    A peptide agonist of GnRH Deslorelin (acetate)  Chemical Structure
  31. GC49459 Desmopressin (trifluoroacetate salt)

    Adiuretin, DDAVP

    A vasopressin receptor agonist Desmopressin (trifluoroacetate salt)  Chemical Structure
  32. GC43752 Ghrelin (rat) (acetyl) (trifluoroacetate salt) Ghrelin is an endogenous gastrointestinal hormone and neuropeptide that binds to the growth hormone (GH) secretagogue receptor (GHS-R). Ghrelin (rat) (acetyl) (trifluoroacetate salt)  Chemical Structure
  33. GC43753 Ghrelin (rat) (palmitoyl) (trifluoroacetate salt) Ghrelin is an endogenous gastrointestinal hormone and neuropeptide that binds to the growth hormone (GH) secretagogue receptor (GHS-R). Ghrelin (rat) (palmitoyl) (trifluoroacetate salt)  Chemical Structure
  34. GC43754 Ghrelin (rat) (trifluoroacetate salt) Ghrelin is an endogenous gastrointestinal hormone and neuropeptide that binds to the growth hormone (GH) secretagogue receptor (GHS-R). Ghrelin (rat) (trifluoroacetate salt)  Chemical Structure
  35. GC91863 GLP-1 (1-32) (bullfrog) (trifluoroacetate salt)

    Glucagon-like Peptide 1 (1-32)

    Glucagon-like peptide 1 (GLP-1) (1-32) is an endogenous incretin hormone. GLP-1 (1-32) (bullfrog) (trifluoroacetate salt)  Chemical Structure
  36. GC45462 GLP-1 (1-36) amide (human, rat) (trifluoroacetate salt)

    Glucagon-like Peptide 1 (1-36) amide (human, rat)

      GLP-1 (1-36) amide (human, rat) (trifluoroacetate salt)  Chemical Structure
  37. GC43762 GLP-1 (7-36) amide (trifluoroacetate salt)

    Glucagon-like Peptide 1 (7-36) amide

    GLP-1 (7-36) amide is a peptide hormone released from intestinal L-cells upon nutrient consumption. GLP-1 (7-36) amide (trifluoroacetate salt)  Chemical Structure
  38. GC43763 GLP-1 (7-37) (human, bovine, guinea pig, mouse, rat) (trifluoroacetate salt)

    Glucagon-like Peptide-1 (7-37) (human, bovine, guinea pig, mouse, rat)

    Glucagon-like peptide-1 (GLP-1) (7-37) is an endogenous incretin hormone and truncated form of GLP-1 (1-37) that is produced via cleavage of preproglucagon in the pancreas and intestine. GLP-1 (7-37) (human, bovine, guinea pig, mouse, rat) (trifluoroacetate salt)  Chemical Structure
  39. GC45463 GLP-2 (1-34) (human) (trifluoroacetate salt)

    Glucagon-like Peptide 2 (1-34)

      GLP-2 (1-34) (human) (trifluoroacetate salt)  Chemical Structure
  40. GC43764 GLP-2 (human) (trifluoroacetate salt)

    Glucagon-like Peptide-2

    Glucagon-like peptide-2 (GLP-2) is an endogenous peptide hormone formed in L cells of the small and large intestine by cleavage of proglucagon in response to nutrient ingestion. GLP-2 (human) (trifluoroacetate salt)  Chemical Structure
  41. GC45464 GLP-2 (rat) (trifluoroacetate salt)

    Glucagon-like Peptide 2

      GLP-2 (rat) (trifluoroacetate salt)  Chemical Structure
  42. GC49342 Glucagon-d9 (trifluoroacetate salt) An internal standard for the quantification of glucagon Glucagon-d9 (trifluoroacetate salt)  Chemical Structure
  43. GC91868 Glucose-dependent Insulinotropic Polypeptide (1-39) (porcine) (trifluoroacetate salt)

    Gastric Inhibitory Peptide (1-39),GIP (1-39)

    Glucose-dependent Insulinotropic Polypeptide (GIP) (1-39) is an endogenous 39-amino acid peptide hormone that induces insulin secretion. Glucose-dependent Insulinotropic Polypeptide (1-39) (porcine) (trifluoroacetate salt)  Chemical Structure
  44. GC91870 Glucose-dependent Insulinotropic Polypeptide (3-42) (human) (trifluoroacetate salt)

    Gastric Inhibitory Peptide 1 (3-42),GIP-1 (3-42)

    Gastric inhibitory peptide 1 (GIP-1) (3-42) is a peptide fragment of the incretin hormone GIP and a GIP receptor antagonist. Glucose-dependent Insulinotropic Polypeptide (3-42) (human) (trifluoroacetate salt)  Chemical Structure
  45. GC43781 GnRH (free acid; trifluoroacetate salt)

    Gonadorelin, Gonadotropin-releasing Hormone, LHRH

    Gonadotropin releasing hormone (GnRH) is a peptide hormone produced in the hypothalamus that is secreted in a pulsatile fashion and stimulates the release of luteinizing hormone and follicle-stimulating hormone. GnRH (free acid; trifluoroacetate salt)  Chemical Structure
  46. GC43782 GnRH II (trifluoroacetate salt)

    Gonadotropin-releasing Hormone II, LHRH II

    Gonadotropin-releasing hormone II (GnRH II) is a peptide agonist of the GnRH receptor (GnRHR). GnRH II (trifluoroacetate salt)  Chemical Structure
  47. GC49048 Guanylin (human) (trifluoroacetate salt) A peptide hormone activator of GC-C Guanylin (human) (trifluoroacetate salt)  Chemical Structure
  48. GC49543 Hepcidin-25 (trifluoroacetate salt)


    A peptide hormone Hepcidin-25 (trifluoroacetate salt)  Chemical Structure
  49. GC18349 Motilin (porcine) Motilin is a polypeptide hormone that stimulates gastric motility through release in the small intestine and into the general circulation during fasting. Motilin (porcine)  Chemical Structure
  50. GP21279 MT II Melanotan-II MT II  Chemical Structure
  51. GC44293 N-Acetyl ACTH (1-17) (human) (trifluoroacetate salt)

    Ac-SYSMEHFRWGKPVGKKR, N-Acetyl Adrenocorticotropic Hormone (1-17)

    N-Acetyl ACTH (1-17) is an N-terminal peptide fragment of adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH), a peptide hormone found in the brain that is involved in the biological stress response. N-Acetyl ACTH (1-17) (human) (trifluoroacetate salt)  Chemical Structure
  52. GC48328 Obestatin (human) (trifluoroacetate salt) A peptide hormone Obestatin (human) (trifluoroacetate salt)  Chemical Structure
  53. GC44484 Obestatin (rat) (trifluoroacetate salt) Obestatin is a 23-amino acid peptide hormone that is formed by cleavage of the ghrelin and obestatin prepropeptide. Obestatin (rat) (trifluoroacetate salt)  Chemical Structure
  54. GC44525 Oxyntomodulin (human, mouse, rat) (trifluoroacetate salt)

    Glicentin (33-69), Proglucagon (33-69)

    Oxyntomodulin is a peptide hormone involved in regulation of food intake, energy expenditure, and glucose metabolism. Oxyntomodulin (human, mouse, rat) (trifluoroacetate salt)  Chemical Structure
  55. GC44566 Parathyroid Hormone (1-13) (trifluoroacetate salt)

    PTH (1-13)

    Parathyroid hormone (PTH) (1-13) is an N-terminal fragment of PTH (1-34). Parathyroid Hormone (1-13) (trifluoroacetate salt)  Chemical Structure
  56. GC44567 Parathyroid Hormone (1-34) (human) (trifluoroacetate salt)

    LY333334, PTH (1-34)

    Parathyroid hormone (PTH) (1-34) is an N-terminal fragment of PTH that regulates bone remodeling. Parathyroid Hormone (1-34) (human) (trifluoroacetate salt)  Chemical Structure
  57. GC44598 Peptide YY (human) (trifluoroacetate salt)

    Peptide Tyrosine Tyrosine

    Peptide YY (PYY) is a 36-amino acid peptide and anorectic gut hormone agonist for the neuropeptide Y receptors Y1, Y2, Y5, and Y6 with EC50 values of 0.7, 0.58, 1, and 0.8 nM, respectively, for supression of forskolin-induced cAMP accumulation.

    Peptide YY (human) (trifluoroacetate salt)  Chemical Structure
  58. GC40138 Pro-Adrenomedullin (45-92) (human) (trifluoroacetate salt)

    Mid-Regional proADM, Mid-Regional Pro-Adrenomedullin, MR-proADM, proADM(45-92)

    Pro-adrenomedullin (45-92) (MR-proADM) is a peptide that is comprised of amino acid residues 45-92 of preproadrenomedullin. Pro-Adrenomedullin (45-92) (human) (trifluoroacetate salt)  Chemical Structure
  59. GC44684 Proadrenomedullin (N-20) (bovine, porcine) (trifluoroacetate salt)

    PAMP-20 (bovine, porcine), Proadrenomedullin N-Terminal 20 Peptide (bovine, porcine), ProAM-N20 (bovine, porcine)

    Proadrenomedullin (N-20) is an endogenous peptide consisting of the 20 N-terminal amino acids of proadrenomedullin, which also corresponds to amino acids 22-41 of preproadrenomedullin. Proadrenomedullin (N-20) (bovine, porcine) (trifluoroacetate salt)  Chemical Structure
  60. GC40131 Proadrenomedullin (N-20) (rat) (trifluoroacetate salt)

    ProAM-N20, PAMP-20, Proadrenomedullin N-Terminal 20 Peptide

    Proadrenomedullin (N-20) is a peptide comprised of amino acid residues 22-41 of rat preproadrenomedullin. Proadrenomedullin (N-20) (rat) (trifluoroacetate salt)  Chemical Structure
  61. GC49679 Sauvagine (trifluoroacetate salt) A neuropeptide hormone Sauvagine (trifluoroacetate salt)  Chemical Structure
  62. GC44881 Secretin (human) (trifluoroacetate salt) Secretin is an endogenous 27-amino acid gastrointestinal hormone and neuropeptide that regulates secretion from the stomach, pancreas, and liver. Secretin (human) (trifluoroacetate salt)  Chemical Structure
  63. GC48327 Secretin (rat) (trifluoroacetate salt) A neuropeptide hormone Secretin (rat) (trifluoroacetate salt)  Chemical Structure
  64. GC49592 Sermorelin (acetate)

    Growth Hormone-releasing Factor (1-29) amide, hGH-RH(1-29)-NH2, hGRF(1-29)NH2, hpGRF(1-29)NH2, Somatotropin Releasing-Hormone (1-29) amide

    A growth hormone-releasing hormone analog Sermorelin (acetate)  Chemical Structure
  65. GC49123 Somatorelin (1-44) amide (human) (trifluoroacetate salt)

    Growth Hormone-releasing Factor (1-44) amide, hpGRF-44, Human Pancreas GRF-44, Somatoliberin

    A synthetic GHRH peptide Somatorelin (1-44) amide (human) (trifluoroacetate salt)  Chemical Structure
  66. GC44914 Somatostatin-14 (acetate) Somatostatin-14 is a natural cyclic peptide hormone derived from the preprohormone, somatostatin. Somatostatin-14 (acetate)  Chemical Structure
  67. GC49483 Somatostatin-28 (1-14) (human, mouse, rat, porcine, bovine, ovine) (trifluoroacetate salt) An N-terminal fragment of somatostatin-28 Somatostatin-28 (1-14) (human, mouse, rat, porcine, bovine, ovine) (trifluoroacetate salt)  Chemical Structure
  68. GC49574 Somatostatin-28 (human, mouse, rat, porcine, bovine, ovine) (trifluoroacetate salt) A cyclic neuropeptide hormone Somatostatin-28 (human, mouse, rat, porcine, bovine, ovine) (trifluoroacetate salt)  Chemical Structure
  69. GC48358 Thymulin (acetate hydrate)

    Thymic Factor

    A peptide hormone Thymulin (acetate hydrate)  Chemical Structure
  70. GC49475 Triptorelin (trifluoroacetate salt)

    D-Trp6-GnRH, D-Trp6LH-RH, AY 25650, BIM 21003, CL 118,53, Wy 42422, Wy 42462

    A synthetic GNRH peptide agonist Triptorelin (trifluoroacetate salt)  Chemical Structure
  71. GC32772 Triptorelin ([DTrp6]-LH-RH) A synthetic GNRH peptide agonist Triptorelin ([DTrp6]-LH-RH)  Chemical Structure
  72. GC45129 Urocortin (human) (trifluoroacetate salt) Urocortin is a neuropeptide hormone and member of the corticotropin-releasing factor (CRF) family which includes mammalian CRF, urocortin II, urocortin III, frog sauvagine, and piscine urotensin I. Urocortin (human) (trifluoroacetate salt)  Chemical Structure
  73. GC18231 Urocortin II (human) (trifluoroacetate salt) Urocortin II is a neuropeptide hormone and member of the corticotropin-releasing factor (CRF) family which includes mammalian CRF , urocortin , urocortin III , frog sauvagine, and piscine urotensin I. Urocortin II (human) (trifluoroacetate salt)  Chemical Structure
  74. GC45588 Urocortin II (mouse) (trifluoroacetate salt)   Urocortin II (mouse) (trifluoroacetate salt)  Chemical Structure
  75. GC45589 Urocortin III (human) (trifluoroacetate salt)   Urocortin III (human) (trifluoroacetate salt)  Chemical Structure
  76. GC45590 Urocortin III (mouse) (free acid) (trifluoroacetate salt)   Urocortin III (mouse) (free acid) (trifluoroacetate salt)  Chemical Structure
  77. GC45591 Urocortin III (mouse) (trifluoroacetate salt)   Urocortin III (mouse) (trifluoroacetate salt)  Chemical Structure
  78. GC45146 VIP (human, porcine, rat, ovine) (trifluoroacetate salt)

    Vasoactive Intestinal Peptide

    Vasoactive intestinal peptide (VIP) is a peptide that acts as a neurotransmitter and hormone.

    VIP (human, porcine, rat, ovine) (trifluoroacetate salt)  Chemical Structure
  79. GC46361 [Leu15]-Gastrin I amide (human) (trifluoroacetate salt)


    Gastrin is gastrointestinal hormones which is structurally similar in carboxy-terminal amino acids.

    [Leu15]-Gastrin I amide (human) (trifluoroacetate salt)  Chemical Structure
  80. GC41745 [Nle4,D-Phe7]-α-MSH (trifluoroacetate salt) [Nle4,D-Phe7]-α-MSH is a synthetic analog of α-melanocyte stimulating hormone (α-MSH). [Nle4,D-Phe7]-α-MSH (trifluoroacetate salt)  Chemical Structure

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