1. Cat.No. Nombre del producto Información
  2. GC45379 Alloxan (hydrate) A toxin that selectively eliminates pancreatic β-cells Alloxan (hydrate)  Chemical Structure
  3. GC30007 4-Azido-L-phenylalanine (p-Azidophenylalanine) La 4-azido-L-fenilalanina (p-azidofenilalanina) es un aminoÁcido no natural que se utiliza como indicador vibratorio eficaz de los entornos proteicos locales. 4-Azido-L-phenylalanine (p-Azidophenylalanine)  Chemical Structure
  4. GC11940 5-BrdU

    BrdU, Bromodeoxyuridine, Broxuridine, NSC 38297

    Synthetic thymidine analog 5-BrdU  Chemical Structure
  5. GA20580 Ac-Ile-Glu-Pro-Asp-pNA Ac-Ile-Glu-Pro-Asp-pNA (Ac-IEPD-pNA) is a colorimetric substrate for granzyme B (GzmB) and caspase-8. Granzyme B and caspase-8 preferentially bind and cleave the Ile-Glu-Pro-Asp (IEPD) peptide sequence, and the catalytic activity of the enzyme is indirectly measured by detecting the release of p-nitroaniline (pNA), which is measured by the optical density (OD) at 405 nm. Ac-Ile-Glu-Pro-Asp-pNA  Chemical Structure
  6. GC12259 Azidobutyric acid NHS ester Azidobutyric acid NHS ester is a heterobifunctional crosslinker mainly used for the azido labeling of amino-containing biomolecules. Azidobutyric acid NHS ester  Chemical Structure
  7. GC32732 Hyaluronic acid Hyaluronic acid (HA) is a biopolymer composed of repeating units of disaccharides, which include molecules of D-glucuronic acid and N-acetylglucosamine molecules linked by β- (1 4) and β- (1 3)glycosides. Hyaluronic acid  Chemical Structure
  8. GC11551 Hydrocortisone

    Cortisol, Dihydrocostisone, NSC 10483

    Hydrocortisone, a natural glucocorticoid secreted by adrenal and extra-adrenal tissues Hydrocortisone  Chemical Structure
  9. GC40717 Hyocholic Acid

    γ-Muricholic Acid

    El ácido hiólico es un ácido biliar primario en cerdos y otros mamíferos.

    Hyocholic Acid  Chemical Structure
  10. GC60235 Maleimide-DOTA


    Maleimide-DOTA is a non-degradable ADC linker used in antibody drug conjugate (ADC) synthesis[1]. Maleimide-DOTA  Chemical Structure
  11. GC61092 MSA-2

    5,6-dimethoxy-γ-oxo-benzobthiophene-2-Butanoic Acid

    A STING agonist MSA-2  Chemical Structure
  12. GC46194 OSW-1


    A saponin with antiviral and anticancer activities OSW-1  Chemical Structure
  13. GA23531 Suc-Ala-Ala-Pro-Ile-pNA Suc-Ala-Ala-Pro-Ile-pNA (Suc-AAPI-pNA) is a synthetic peptide compound used as a substrate for detecting and studying the activity of various proteases. Under the action of enzymes, Suc-Ala-Ala-Pro-Ile-pNA is hydrolyzed, releasing yellow p-nitroaniline (pNA). The change in absorbance at 400-410 nm is measured by colorimetry to reflect enzyme activity. Suc-Ala-Ala-Pro-Ile-pNA  Chemical Structure
  14. GC10254 AdipoRon AdipoR1 and AdipoR2 agonist, first orally active AdipoRon  Chemical Structure
  15. GC17256 Pilocarpine HCl

    NSC 5746

    Pilocarpine HCl is a miotic drug that acts as a M3-type muscarinic acetylcholine receptor (M3 muscarinic receptor) agonist Pilocarpine HCl  Chemical Structure
  16. GC15064 Purmorphamine Purmorphamine is the first small molecule agonist developed for Smoothened protein. Purmorphamine  Chemical Structure
  17. GC36041 Fibronectin Adhesion-promoting Peptide

    Heparin Binding Peptide

    Fibronectin Adhesion-promoting Peptide is a potent inducer of stress fibers and focal adhesion in fibroblasts. Fibronectin Adhesion-promoting Peptide  Chemical Structure
  18. GC44258 Myristic Acid Alkyne

    13-alkyne Myristic Acid

    Myristic Acid Alkyne es un conector PROTAC basado en una cadena de alquilo que se puede utilizar en la sÍntesis de PROTAC. Myristic Acid Alkyne  Chemical Structure
  19. GA23894 Z-Phe-Arg-AMC . HCl Z-Phe-Arg-AMC is a substrate for serine proteases, including cathepsins, kallikrein and plasmin. Z-Phe-Arg-AMC . HCl  Chemical Structure
  20. GC17681 Gap19 Gap19 (KQIEIKKFK) blocks HCs but not GJCs and is specific for Cx43. Gap19  Chemical Structure
  21. GC13886 ω-Conotoxin GVIA ω-Conotoxin GVIA is a cone snail toxin that selectively blocks N-type channels in neurons . ω-Conotoxin GVIA  Chemical Structure
  22. GC17784 JMV 449 JMV 449 is a potent, long-lasting neurotensin receptor agonist JMV 449  Chemical Structure
  23. GC30416 Mitoquinone (MitoQ) Mitoquinone (MitoQ) is a ubiquinone-derived antioxidant Mitoquinone (MitoQ)  Chemical Structure
  24. GC14843 Serotonin HCl

    5-HT, 5-Hydroxytryptamine

    Endogenous 5-HT receptor agonist Serotonin HCl  Chemical Structure
  25. GC33975 Ampicillin (D-(-)-α-Aminobenzylpenicillin) La ampicilina es un antibiÓtico betalactÁmico de amplio espectro contra una variedad de bacterias grampositivas y gramnegativas. Ampicillin (D-(-)-α-Aminobenzylpenicillin)  Chemical Structure
  26. GD21958 1,1,2,2-Tetrafluoroethyl methyl ether 1,1,2,2-Tetrafluoroethyl methyl ether  Chemical Structure
  27. GC40719 β-Muricholic Acid

    5β-Cholanic Acid-3α,6β,7β-triol, β-MCA

    A murine-specific primary bile acid β-Muricholic Acid  Chemical Structure
  28. GC41233 (R)-MG132 A potent proteasome inhibitor (R)-MG132  Chemical Structure
  29. GC42033 1-Palmitoyl-2-oleoyl-sn-glycero-3-PC

    1-Palmitoyl-2-Oleoyl-sn-glycero-3-Phosphocholine, 1,2POPC

    A synthetic phosphatidylcholine 1-Palmitoyl-2-oleoyl-sn-glycero-3-PC  Chemical Structure
  30. GC12757 17-ODYA


    LTB4 ω-hydroxylase inhibitor 17-ODYA  Chemical Structure
  31. GC42410 4-hydroxy Nonenal


    A lipid peroxidation product 4-hydroxy Nonenal  Chemical Structure
  32. GC35250 Adenosine deaminase Involved in metabolism of purines Adenosine deaminase  Chemical Structure
  33. GC15717 AM251 A potent CB1 antagonist AM251  Chemical Structure
  34. GC39339 Anakinra


    Anakinra (Raleukin) is a recombinant, nonglycosylated human interleukin-1 receptor (IL-1R) antagonist. Anakinra  Chemical Structure
  35. GC18109 Astragaloside A

    AS-A, AST-A, Astramembrannin I

    anti-hypertension, positive inotropic action, anti-inflammation, and anti-myocardial injury Astragaloside A  Chemical Structure
  36. GC62253 Camrelizumab


    Camrelizumab (SHR-1210) es un potente anticuerpo monoclonal (mAb) IgG4-κ humanizado de alta afinidad contra PD-1. Camrelizumabse une a PD-1 con una alta afinidad de 3 nM e inhibe la interacciÓn de uniÓn de PD-1 y PD-L1 con una IC50 de 0,70 nM. Camrelizumab actÚa como un agente anti-PD-1/PD-L1 y se puede utilizar para la investigaciÓn del cÁncer, incluidos NSCLC, ESCC, linfoma de Hodgkin y HCC avanzado et al. Camrelizumab  Chemical Structure
  37. GC16661 Citrinin

    NSC 186

    A mycotoxin inducing apoptosis Citrinin  Chemical Structure
  38. GC15319 Cyclosporin H

    5-(N-methyl-D-valine)-Cyclosporin A, Sandoz 37-839

    Selective and competitive formyl peptide receptor antagonist Cyclosporin H  Chemical Structure
  39. GC16315 D-AP5

    D-2-Amino-5-Phosphonovaleric acid; D-APV

    A NMDA antagonist D-AP5  Chemical Structure
  40. GC38906 DS18561882

    DS18561882 es un inhibidor altamente potente y selectivo de la isoenzima metilentetrahidrofolato deshidrogenasa 2 (MTHFD2) con un valor de IC50 de 0,0063 μM. DS18561882 también tiene efecto inhibitorio sobre MTHFD1 (IC50=0,57 μM). DS18561882 presenta un buen perfil farmacocinético oral.

    DS18561882  Chemical Structure
  41. GC13391 Exendin-4

    Exendin-4, un agonista del receptor de la proteína 1 similar al glucagón (GLP-1), imita la actividad de la hormona incretina mamífera péptido similar al glucagón 1 (GLP-1) y, por lo tanto, promueve la secreción de insulina y funciona en el control de la glucosa.

    Exendin-4  Chemical Structure
  42. GC36383 KAN0438757 KAN0438757 es un inhibidor potente y selectivo de la quinasa metabÓlica PFKFB3 con una IC50 de 0,19 μM. KAN0438757  Chemical Structure
  43. GC12467 KPT-330 CRM1 inhibitor, orally bioavailable and selective KPT-330  Chemical Structure
  44. GC18338 Laurdan A fluorescent membrane probe Laurdan  Chemical Structure
  45. GC14045 Loreclezole GABAA receptor modulator Loreclezole  Chemical Structure
  46. GC14793 MK 0893 MK 0893 is a potent and selective glucagon receptor (GCGR) antagonist with an IC50 value of 6.6 nM. MK 0893  Chemical Structure
  47. GC38819 ML334


    An inhibitor of the Nrf2-Keap1 protein-protein interaction ML334  Chemical Structure
  48. GC13386 ML351

    CID 664510

    human reticulocyte 15-LOX-1 inhibitor ML351  Chemical Structure
  49. GC19225 PD-1-IN-1 (CA-170)


    PD-1-IN-1 (CA-170) es un inhibidor dual administrado por vÍa oral de VISTA y PD-L1. PD-1-IN-1 (CA-170)  Chemical Structure
  50. GC11869 SZL P1-41 Skp2 inhibitor SZL P1-41  Chemical Structure
  51. GC37845 Tucidinostat

    CS 055, HBI 8000, Tucidinostat

    An HDAC inhibitor Tucidinostat  Chemical Structure
  52. GC16738 Tunicamycin Mixture Antibiotic,inhibits GlcNAc phosphotransferase (GPT) Tunicamycin Mixture  Chemical Structure
  53. GC19976 TVB-3664 TVB-3664 is an orally available, reversible, potent, selective and highly bioavailable fatty acid synthase (FASN) inhibitor, with IC50 values of 18 nM and 12 nM for human and mouse cell palmitate synthesis, respectively. TVB-3664  Chemical Structure
  54. GC11245 XMU-MP-1 MST1/2 inhibitor, potent and selective XMU-MP-1  Chemical Structure
  55. GC12287 Z-DEVD-FMK Z-DEVD-FMK is a specific irreversible cysteine-aspartic protease 3 (caspase-3) inhibitor with an IC50 of 18μM. Z-DEVD-FMK  Chemical Structure
  56. GA20196 (Gly¹⁴)-Humanin (human) Humanin is both an intracellular protein and a secreted protein. (Gly¹⁴)-Humanin (human)  Chemical Structure
  57. GA20228 (Leu¹⁵)-Gastrin I (human) Gastrin is gastrointestinal hormones (Leu¹⁵)-Gastrin I (human)  Chemical Structure
  58. GC12405 ABT-263 (Navitoclax)

    Navitoclax,ABT-263,ABT263,ABT 263

    ABT-263 (Navitoclax) es un inhibidor de Bcl-xL, Bcl-2 y Bcl-w, con Ki ≤0.5 nM, ≤1 nM y ≤1 nM respectivamente. ABT-263 (Navitoclax)  Chemical Structure
  59. GC19061 BAY-876 BAY-876 es un inhibidor selectivo del transportador de glucosa 1 (GLUT1) con un IC50 de 2 nM. El IC50 de BAY-876 para GLUT2, GLUT3 y GLUT4 son 10.8, 1.67 y 0.29μM, respectivamente. BAY-876  Chemical Structure
  60. GC11032 Cl-Amidine (trifluoroacetate salt) PAD4 deimination activity inhibitor Cl-Amidine (trifluoroacetate salt)  Chemical Structure
  61. GC10395 Dynasore Dynasore, as a GTPase inhibitor, can rapidly and reversibly inhibit dynamin activity, which prevents endocytosis. Dynasore  Chemical Structure
  62. GC34011 FX-11 (LDHA Inhibitor FX11)

    LDHA Inhibitor FX11

    FX-11 (LDHA Inhibitor FX11) was found to be a potent, competitive inhibitor of the human LDH-A's NADH binding pocket. FX-11 (LDHA Inhibitor FX11)  Chemical Structure
  63. GC10359 GANT61

    NSC 136476

    GANT61 was able to efficiently block GLI1 as well as GLI2-induced transcription, IC50 is 5 µM. GANT61  Chemical Structure
  64. GC14102 Genistein

    CI-75610, NSC 36586

    Genistein is an isoflavone belonging to the flavonoid group of compounds and is found in a number of plants. Genistein  Chemical Structure
  65. GC19553 Gentamicin

    Gentamicin; Centicin; Lyramycin; Oksitselanim; Refobacin; Septigen; Uromycine;

    Gentamicin is an aminoglycoside bactericidal antibiotic that is effective against Gram-negative bacterial infections. Gentamicin  Chemical Structure
  66. GC19482 Gilteritinib


    Gilteritinib (ASP2215, Xospata) for relapsed and /or refractory AML (R/R AML). Gilteritinib  Chemical Structure
  67. GC18201 Gly-Pro-pNA (hydrochloride)

    Gly-Pro pnitroanilide, GP-pNA

    Gly-Pro-pNA (hydrochloride) is a chromogenic substrate that can be cleaved by the circulating enzyme, dipeptidyl peptidase IV (DPP IV). Gly-Pro-pNA (hydrochloride)  Chemical Structure
  68. GC16907 Go 6983

    Goe 6983;Go6983;Go-6983

    Go 6983 (GÖ 6983) is one of the bisindolylmaleimide group of PKC inhibitor compounds, Go 6983 (GÖ 6983) was able to differentiate between PKC mu and other PKC isoenzymes. Go 6983  Chemical Structure
  69. GC43783 Green CMFDA

    5-Chloromethylfluorescein diacetate

    Green CMFDA, as a non-terminal, non-fluorescent probe, can be cleaved by non-specific esterases common to living cells, producing a fluorescent compound, fluorescein, visible using a fluorescent microscope. Green CMFDA  Chemical Structure
  70. GC19175 GSK-872 GSK-872 is a RIPK3 inhibitor. GSK-872  Chemical Structure
  71. GC13696 GSK690693 GSK690693 is an ATP-competitive, low nanomolar inhibitor of Akt kinases with IC50 values of 2, 13, and 9 nM for Akt1, 2, and 3, respectively. GSK690693  Chemical Structure
  72. GC38465 GsMTx4 GsMTx4 selectively inhibits cation-permeable mechanosensitive channels (MSCs) belonging to the Piezo and TRP channel families. GsMTx4  Chemical Structure
  73. GC36196 Guadecitabine sodium

    SGI-110 sodium; S-110 sodium

    Guadecitabine is a novel hypomethylating dinucleotide of decitabine and deoxyguanosine that is resistant to degradation by cytidine deaminase. Guadecitabine sodium  Chemical Structure
  74. GC10975 GW4064 GW4064, as a synthetic FXR agonist, was used for treatment of cholestatic liver diseases, metabolic syndrome and alcoholic liver disease. GW4064  Chemical Structure
  75. GC19186 GW4869 GW4869 is a noncompetitive neutral sphingomyelinase(N-SMase) inhibitor with an IC50 of 1 uM. GW4869  Chemical Structure
  76. GC10074 H 89 2HCl

    5Isoquinolinesulfonamide, Protein Kinase Inhibitor H89

    H-89 2HCl is A potent and selective camp-dependent protein kinase A inhibitor with IC50 value of 48 nM, showing weak inhibition of PKG,PKC,Casein kinase and other kinases. H 89 2HCl  Chemical Structure
  77. GA22973 H-Tyr-His-OH H-Tyr-His-OH was maintained as an internal standard for histidine quantitative analysis and eluted at 8.06 min. H-Tyr-His-OH  Chemical Structure
  78. GC30006 H2DCFDA (DCFH-DA)


    H2DCFDA(DCFH-DA) is a redox-sensitive fluorescent probe, which could be used to measure intracellular reactive oxygen species levels H2DCFDA (DCFH-DA)  Chemical Structure
  79. GC60186 HBC620 HBC620 is an analog of HBC, which is a GFP fluorophore-like synthetic dye with a structurally rigid electron acceptor and a strong electron donor. HBC620  Chemical Structure
  80. GC14591 Hemin chloride Hemin chloride, a substrate of heme oxygenase (HO)-1, induces HO-1 expression on a variety of cells to exert anti-oxidant and anti-inflammatory roles. Hemin chloride  Chemical Structure
  81. GC10398 Heparin sodium Heparin sodium, as as anti-coagulants, belongs to a class of glucans, which can interact with a variety of proteins to produce a variety of biological activities. Heparin sodium  Chemical Structure
  82. GC40103 Herboxidiene

    GEX1A, Tan 1609

    Herboxidiene, as a potent antitumor agent, can target the SF3B subunit of the spliceosome. Herboxidiene also induces both G1 and G2/M cell cycle arrest in a human normal fibroblast cell line WI-38. Herboxidiene  Chemical Structure
  83. GC11719 HG-9-91-01

    HG-9-91-01 is a salt-inducible kinases (SIK) inhibitor, inhibited SIK1, SIK2, SIK3 with IC50 values of 0.92nM, 6.5nM and 19.4nM, respectively. HG-9-91-01  Chemical Structure

  84. GC15308 IAA-94

    R(+)-IAA 94

    IAA-94 (Indanyloxyacetic acid-94) is an intracellular chloride channel blocker. IAA-94  Chemical Structure
  85. GC19194 IACS-10759 IACS-10759 (IACS-010759) is an oxidative phosphorylation inhibitor, IACS-10759 is a potent inhibitor of complex I of oxidative phosphorylation ( OXPHOS ). IACS-10759  Chemical Structure
  86. GC38096 Icaritin Icaritin is a prenylflavonoid derivative obtained from the Epimedium genus. Icaritin  Chemical Structure
  87. GP11075 Imipenem Imipenem es una tienamicina semisintética. Imipenem  Chemical Structure
  88. GC19533 Infliximab Infliximab is a chimeric monoclonal IgG1 antibody that specifically binds to TNF-α. Infliximab  Chemical Structure
  89. GC31303 Insulin(cattle) (Insulin from bovine pancreas) Insulin is a hormonal protein consisting of two chains of 21 and 30 amino acids. Insulin(cattle) (Insulin from bovine pancreas)  Chemical Structure
  90. GC13681 INT-777

    6-EMCA, S-EMCA, HY-15677

    INT-777 is a novel specific semisynthetic TGR5 agonist used for alleviating cardiomyocyte injury and improving cognitive impairment and synaptic dysfunction in mice model of AD. INT-777  Chemical Structure
  91. GC15446 Ionomycin free acid Ionomycin free acid is a selective and potent calcium ion carrier that acts as an active Ca2+ carrier. Ionomycin free acid  Chemical Structure
  92. GC30558 IRBP (1-20), human IRBP (1-20), human is the 1-20 amino acid fragment of the optical interreceptor retinoid binding protein (IRBP). IRBP (1-20), human  Chemical Structure
  93. GC17108 ISO-1

    ISO1, Macrophage Migration Inhibitory Factor

    ISO-1 inhibited MIF tautomerase activity in a dose-dependent manner with an IC50 of about 7 µM. ISO-1  Chemical Structure
  94. GC19209 JNJ-63533054 JNJ-63533054 is a potent and selective agonist of hGPR139 with an EC50 = 16nM JNJ-63533054  Chemical Structure
  95. GC11438 JSH-23

    NFκB Activation Inhibitor II

    JSH-23, exhibited inhibitory effect on nuclear translocation and NF-κB transcriptional activity with an IC50 value of 7.1 µM in lipopolysaccharide (LPS)-stimulated macrophages RAW 264.7. JSH-23  Chemical Structure

  96. GC17385 KML 29

    KML 29 is reported to display IC50 values of 43, 15, and 5.9 nM toward rat, mouse, and human monoacylglycerol lipase (MAGL), respectively. KML 29  Chemical Structure

  97. GC32452 KP-457 KP-457 es un inhibidor selectivo de ADAM17, que tiene una estructura de reverse-hidroxamato. KP-457  Chemical Structure
  98. GC41478 L-α-Hydroxyglutaric Acid

    2(S)-HG, 2(S)-Hydroxyglutaric Acid, L-2-HG, L-2-Hydroxyglutaric Acid

    L-α-Hydroxyglutaric Acid is an important metabolite in various domains of life. In mammals and plants, it is produced by lactate dehydrogenase (LDH) and malate dehydrogenase (MDH)-mediated 2-ketoglutarate (2-KG) reduction under hypoxic conditions. L-α-Hydroxyglutaric Acid  Chemical Structure
  99. GA11233 L-NAME hydrochloride

    LNGNitroarginine methyl ester, N(G)-NitroL-arginine methyl ester

    L-NAME hydrochloride se ha utilizado ampliamente para inhibir la sintasa de óxido nítrico (NOS) constitutiva en diferentes sistemas biológicos. L-NAME hydrochloride  Chemical Structure
  100. GC33822 Larazotide acetate Larazotide acetate (formerly AT-001) is a highly polar octapeptide, derived from a prokaryotic zonula occludens protein secreted by Vibrio cholera. Larazotide acetate  Chemical Structure
  101. GC19220 Lemborexant


    Lemborexant (E2006) is an oral active diorexin receptor antagonist (DORA) and has been approved by the US Food and Drug Administration for the treatment of insomnia. Lemborexant  Chemical Structure

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